Farewell to Claudia and Bill!


It was with a mixture of sadness, laughter, and deep gratitude that Austin Samaritans bid good-bye and God bless to founding board members, Claudia and Bill Biel.  Claudia and Bill were part of the original group that returned from a mission trip to Nicaragua in 2006 and  felt God was calling them to do something about the people suffering in poverty and deplorable conditions.  After helping to found Austin Samaritans, they devoted themselves to our cause for seven years, including numerous mission trips to Nicaragua.
Bill, a general practitioner in Elgin, Texas, shared his medical skills and expertise while Claudia helped run vacation Bible schools, worked with women coming out of prostitution, loved abused and abandoned babies, and did anything else she found that was needed.  Both of them were willing to dig in and help, whether it was working in the hot sun to build a home in Nicaragua, sharing Austin Samaritans’ story with others, or registering golfers at our annual fundraiser.  We miss them very much, but our prayers are with them as they move on to new challenges and family responsibilities.  They will continue to promote Austin Samaritans and volunteer. They are gone from the Board, but remain in Austin and in our hearts.