Cervical cancer is the leading cause of death in Nicaraguan women who are between the ages of 30 and 60 years. It is SO preventable and treatable if detected early! But, in Nicaragua, so many women lack the information and financial resources to access prevention.
Austin Samaritans is helping address this situation. Dr. John Doty, our Founder, was instrumental in initiating a program to screen and treat women in Nicaragua for cervical cancer. In 2009 Dr. Doty worked with one of Austin Samaritans’ mission alliances, Fundacion Ortiz Gurdion, or FOG, to add the cervical cancer program to their existing breast cancer program for women whose annual income is less than $2,000 a year. Read more here.
- From left: Dr. Ortega, Gynocological Surgeon; Patricia Ortiz, Founder of Ortiz Gurdion Cancer Clinic; and Dr. John Doty.