casa base de salud

Cinderella Story Unfolding for “the Clinic in the dump”


Pictured: Manna Project International staff members  Christina, Kate, and Javier on the clinic building site
Fundraising to build a new facility for the former Clinica Base de Salud, which was located inside Managua’s city garbage dump, and served the residents in the dump, has been going very well.  The clinic has been renamed Villa Guadalupe Clinic after the newly constructed community it serves just outside the dump turned landfill.  Manna Project International, which supports the clinic, has purchased the land.  Manna Project and Dr. John Doty took on the challenge to raise funding for the clinic’s construction. 

The fundraising  goal is close to being reached, and it appears that it will be possible for the groundbreaking to take place sometime this year.  According to Lori Scharffenberg, Executive Director of Manna Project, “the momentum for the clinic has really taken off …, and we are all really excited to finally start seeing everything begin to take shape.”

Clinica Casa Base de Salud had to move suddenly in early 2013, when the dump was transformed into a landfill.  All of the former residents of La Chureca, the community living inside the dump, were relocated to the new community of Villa Virgen de Guadalupe (Virgin of Guadalupe Village) just outside the old dump.  The clinic has been operating out of tiny quarters in this new community.   To make matters even more challenging, the clinic is serving a population three times as large, because other groups were also relocated here.  It is apparent a new facility, adequate for the increased demand, is needed.

The Waiting Rm_Casa Base de Salud

Many patients, little room.

We are happy to report that each day is bringing the clinic closer to its “Cinderella” transformation.  The clinic hopes to break ground later this year.  Read more about the clinic.

Casa Base de Salud

I will be in touch by the end of the week, I’ll check in with our clinicians tomorrow to see if any new updates, but I definitely have a handful of stories in mind! I am including a link to a video a student group from Northeastern University created about one of our new ventures, a livelihoods project that is working out of the clinic to improve the economic independence of women through the creation of jewelry. This program is very linked to our health and nutrition programming in La Chureca as we work to support families holistically and address health, nutrition, livelihoods and education needs! The video is great because you’ll get to see some of the new community!