Villa Esperanza Celebrates Their First High School Graduates



                       Families in the U.S. celebrate their children’s and grandchildren’s high school graduations .  However, for the young women who participate in Villa Esperanza’s program for at-risk girls, girls who come from poverty and abusive situations, high school graduation is an even more significant achievement.

Perla and Katherine were two of the first participants to come to Villa Esperanza when it opened in 2007.  Through its provision of a loving and safe home, education, healthcare, encouragement, and exposure to the Gospel, Villa Esperanza has helped re-direct the lives of these girls.

Katherine and Perla are the first girls at the Villa to graduate from high school.  They are now living in a transition home at the Villa, where they are taking on more responsibility to prepare for supporting themselves and living on their own.  Perla is preparing to be a teacher and Katherine has just taken entrance exams to be admitted to a university.  She hopes to study English and work as a translator.   Another young girl at the Villa, Marta, has entered the teacher training program, while continuing her high school education.  What a great example all three are providing for their younger “sisters” at Villa Esperanza – Congratulations Katherine and Perla!  Read more about Villa Esperanza…